
Health Policy

Health Policy Statements

importance to the prevention of any loss, in particular to the health and safety of all employees and public at large.

This policy is formulated to ensure that all its operations and activities are planned and executed in a manner, which safeguards the Health of all company employees, Client companies and sub-Contractor personnel.

TIBSHORE is committed to achieving the highest level of Health policy performance through and Welfare within their respective areas.Supervisors & Employees taking responsibility for Health & Welfare within their respective areas. Line Management & staff openly committing them to active participation in the implementation of policy.

How can we help you?


Our customer service standards provide information on how we will handle your enquiry. There is also compliments and complaints information to help you when you lodge feedback with us.

Our Clints

 Bua Group
 Nest oil Nig. Ltd
 Hadnuvo Ltd ( Expro)
 Delta-Afrik Engr. Ltd
 BW- off shore Nig. Ltd
 Energy Works technology Ltd
 Pearl Garden (SPDC Quarters)
 Acor n pipeline solution Ltd