
HSE Policy Statement

Health Safety And Environmental (HSE) PolicyStatement

Management of TIBSHORE AFRIK SERVICES LTD (TIBSHORE) is Committed to providing a safe and healthful workplace for the employees and others that may visit, or enter the company work site and to protecting the environment.

TIBSHORE recognizes that the success of the health safety and Environmental programs are contingent and dependent upon support from the top level of management, to the involvement of all employees in the company, protecting the environment and working safely play an equal part in our operations.

Authority and Accountability

TIBSHORE management recognizes and accepts the responsibility for providing resources and guidance for the development and implementation for the health, safety and Environmental programs. Management has the authority to delegate any or all portions of these programs to employees, but management will ensure that employees comply with these programs.

Employee Commitment and Responsibilities

TIBSHORE AFRIK SERVICES LTD recognizes that the success of it operation company-wide is largely dependent upon the involvement of the entire workforce.

Management aggressively solicits the assistance and commitment of all employees to the implementation of the health, safety and environmental programs. All employees are required to comply & abide by, operate within the company health, safety & environmental programs.

Contractors and Subcontractor Responsibilities

Employees of outside contractors that provide or perform services for the company are considered “contractors these contractors are responsible for ensuring that their employees and the services provided by their employees are performed and delivered consistent with all health and safety regulatory policies. The company health, safety and environmental manual will be made available for review to all.

How can we help you?


Our customer service standards provide information on how we will handle your enquiry. There is also compliments and complaints information to help you when you lodge feedback with us.

Our Clints

 Bua Group
 Nest oil Nig. Ltd
 Hadnuvo Ltd ( Expro)
 Delta-Afrik Engr. Ltd
 BW- off shore Nig. Ltd
 Energy Works technology Ltd
 Pearl Garden (SPDC Quarters)
 Acor n pipeline solution Ltd